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AFM Survey

Thank you for completing the following survey.

Have you ever felt a qualified college assistant or Division I-AA head coach deserved a shot at being head coach of a D-IA football program? American Football Monthly would like to hear from you. We’re about to name our Annual Hot Coaches of the Year for the 2002 season in our August issue.

The coaches we will name will be carefully selected from lists including yours and other coaches, the American Football Monthly staff of editors and writers and members of the sports media who cover college football. Our search will be comprehensive and confidential.

Please complete the following:

I nominate the following coaches, because I believe each is ready to become a D-IA head coach:

I am a:

    Head Coach
    Offensive Coordinator
    Defensive Coordinator
    Assistant Coach
    Athletic Trainer
    Strength Trainer
    Athletic Director
    Film and Editing Coordinator

I have been involved at the football coaching or administration level for:

    1-5 years
    6-10 years
    11-15 years
    16 - 20 years
    20 + years

My football program competes at the following level:

    High School
    Junior High
